Monday 28 May 2012

Me and my acne: Week 27 update.

I think this is week 27. To be honest, it's been such a long time since I did an acne post that I honestly can't remember! Apologies. Hopefully this will be a weekly post now, not a bi-monthly one.

In the months that have passed between the last acne-related post and now, nothing has changed. Even though I'm still on antibiotics, there are spots popping up here there and everywhere! It has been like this ever since I can remember. And it is seriously trucking me off. If I'm on medication, surely it's going to help?! But no.
I'm thinking that maybe I'm getting used to the antibiotics and they aren't as effective as they once were (I had perfect skin when I was prescribed them in the first instance!)
I'm using Hibiscrub to wash my face 3 times a day to help prevent the bacteria on my skin making my acne any worse, which I suppose is keeping it more under control, but hasn't helped to beat it, and it's not really making any difference. It was recommended by my sister's dermatologist when she went through a phase of serious acne, and it helped her so I thought I might as well jump on the bandwagon.

Good news is that I've booked a doctor's appointment tomorrow (YAY YAY YAY) and demand that they do something about it, because whilst I know the acne I suffer with isn't the worst acne ever (I admit that openly), it gets me down and I'm really unhappy with it. Plus I've had it for about four years now, and now I think I'm getting to the end of my tether with it and I just want clear skin.

Here is what my skin is like right now (the photo is lame, it's adjusted to make my skin look better so you can't see the full nastiness. You have been probably been spared a gross sight):

I am tending to get a lot of large, sore spots under my chin and on the skin underneath my ears, which I'm finding very peculiar. Has anyone else with acne found that?

Next week's acne-related post should hopefully contain some good news about the decisive action the doctor has taken regarding my skin to get rid of my acne ONCE AND FOR ALL.
There is always hope, right?

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