Monday 28 May 2012

Revlon 'Super Lustrous' Lipstick in 'Black Cherry'.

So normally, I never wear lipstick that isn't nude-ish. I don't like the idea of drawing attention to myself, and making myself stand out.
However, I'm quite pale, and whilst everyone is getting their tan on, I seem to be going a strange shade of white/pink which now makes all the nude colours look a bit weird on me. I thought that maybe going for a more obvious lip-colour would maybe make me look a little bit more human-like.
This is why Revlon 'Super Lustrous' lipstick in 'Black Cherry' has found it's way into my lipstick collection. It is a massive change from the more toned-down shades pinky-brown shades I would normally go for, and it's scary! I have chucked myself right in at the deep end, and I haven't evem worn it outside the house yet! I've hoovered in it just to wean myself into it. It just feels so weird wearing something so dramatic!

However, I do think it is an amazing colour, I really love it. It is very vampy, gothic, glamorous and quite sexy. Because I'm as white as a sheet, I think it contrasts very well. If I were to wear it out (heaven forbid) I would probably tone down my eye-makeup and make it more natural. I have always stuck by the motto of dramatic eyes + neutral lips, dramatic lips - neutral eyes. There are some people who can get away with both dramatic eyes and lips, but most people just look a mess.

I would say this lipstick is such a pain to apply, purely because it is so obvious if you go wrong (as you can probably see from the photos, I am not the neatest or most patient person in the world!). If I had better control of my hand then I wouldn't have had so much trouble! So this is no fault of the lipstick, it's just my cack-handedness!
The coverage of the lipstick doeesn't seem to be consistent, and some areas are quite dark compared to other areas. It isn't quite so noticeable from the photos, but I did notice when applying it that one patch of the lip would be near enough black whilst the rest was a little lighter. I had exfoliated my lips thoroughly beforehand, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't that! It's not a massive problem and it probably won't stop me wearing it, I just have to make sure that the colour is the same over all the lip.
I can't talk about the longevity of the lipstick, because I have only worn it for a couple of hours and haven't got the guts to test it out for a whole day yet, because this will mean going out whilst wearing it! Maybe once I get a bit more confidence then maybe I will!
It is a creme texture, which means it does look glossy, so if you're looking for a matte shade, then this really isn't what to go for! However, you can get around this by dabbing off the excess with a bit of tissue, which does look a little bit more matte.
As with all Revlon lipsticks, I think the packaging is lovely. Simple, practical and classy looking. I love the effect of the black and gold together, I think it gives the impression of a higher-end lipstick rather than a drug store brand! I don't like packaging which is ridiculously over the top, and simplistic packaging is often the most easy on the eye.
This lipstick cost me £7.49, which I think is an extremely good price. You could easily spend double on a MAC lipstick or even more on a higher-end brand. For this price, I don't even mind the fact that the coverage is a little whiffy, it's basically a steal!

Overall, I think this is a gorgeous shade and I think I should try to wear it out and not just hoovering the house!

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