Thursday 27 October 2011

Skin history.

My skin was always very good to me when I was younger. I've always had quite oily skin which never really caused me much problems, I mean I always had the odd spot but it was nothing to cry over.

Well, that was until the summer before I started university.
I  started to get a few pimples, and I assumed it was because of the face wash I was using or my makeup. So I chopped and changed products, but they just kept getting steadily worse. Then the theory was that I was stressing out over university, and I kinda went with that theory. I mean, I am a natural worrier so I thought it was plausible. However, I just kept getting more and more, and it was making me feel like rubbish.
My boyfriend at the time (still is now, happyface!) and everyone else just fobbed with off telling me that everyone got spots and it was nothing to worry about. I had just started university at this point, and literally cut out all the shit out of my diet. I ate about eight/nine pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and had oily fish whenever possible (it helped that I was/still am studying Dietetics, so I knew what my skin needed and what it didn't). However, this fantastically healthy diet did jack all, and my skin was awful. And I felt like shit.

Then I went to the doctor in the following New Year, and immediately diagnosed me with acne. He told me I already had some scarring and immediately put me on Tetralysal and Retin-A. I went home and cried because I was was relieved but because I was angry that I had left it so long and I didn't want to have acne!
Now, the thing with these medications is that your skin gets worse before it gets better. So commencing the medications I looked a mess. Red, peeling raw skin due to the Retin-A and spots, just urgh! That was not my most attractive phase.
But eventually it got better, the spots went away and now I have okay-ish skin!

I'm still on both sets of medications, I recently came off the tablets to see how I would get on without them (doctor's orders) but they came back with vengeance, so I'm still on them! Le sigh.
I still have some redness and scarring due to the spots, but it's not as bad as other people's and I think I'm very lucky that I got it all sorted!

So that's my skin history in a nutshell, a bit of a big nutshell though!

1 comment:

  1. my skin has always been very difficult, but it seems to be getting better now! :/ might be some of the things im using? :)
