Friday 24 August 2012

Boots' Botanics All Bright Cleansing Toner.

This toner is wonderful and I really like it. I have only just got into the whole 'toner' thing, and this is the third one I am currently testing out!
I bought this particular toner from the 'All Bright' line from Boots Botanics (the other lines within the Botanics range are 'Radiant Youth', 'Ultra Calm', 'Organic', 'Shine Away' and 'Hand and Body')because I was looking for something which would work on making my skin look brighter and more radiant, since sometimes my skin can look quite tired and dull. On the tube it claims that 'this revitalising toner helps visibly tighten pores and instantly brighten skin. Skin is left feeling fresher and prepared for moisturising'. This toner also contains 'natural' AHAs (alpha-hydroxy-acids), which works at chemically exfoliating the top layer of skin away, revealing newer skin underneath. However, there are different types of AHA (glycolic acid and citric acid to name a few), and the back of the tube doesn't specify which, which is a little disappointing. I always find vague statements a little shadowy. These 'natural' AHAs are said to be derived from the Hibiscus flower, which is new. I have never heard of Hibsicus flower containing AHAs, so I have learnt something there!
It also doesn't state what concentration the levels of AHA are in the product, which again is disappointing if you like to know specifics about the product. My guess is that it would be very weak levels within the product.

This toner claims to cleanse impurities and freshen, which is does very well. It works well after a cleanse at removing every single impurity and trace of oil/makeup from the skin, leaving skin feeling squeaky clean, but not tight or irritated. Skin does feel freshened and 'perked up', so to speak!

This product has not cleared up my acne, which again isn't really a dealbreaker because I didn't buy it for that purpose!
I don't find this toner to really have any effect on my pores either, which is sad. But my pores are huge, and I wasn't looking for a pore-tightening product when I purchased this product, so I'm not holding that against it! There is always the option of applying some pore-minimising serum/moisturiser/primer on afterwards.

The smell of this product is quite flowery, probably due to the Hibiscus derived ingredients, and smells wonderful to me, however if you're not a fan of scented cosmetics I would steer clear of it because it is quite a strong smell. But I find it really puts me in a good mood in the morning, which is amazing, not even Chris Evans can put me in a good mood in the morning!

The packaging is great in my opinion. The design is wonderful and lovely for what I say is a cheaper-end-of-the-market product. It set me back a whoooole £3.99 for 250ml from Boots, which in my opinion is a very good price! I have had my tube for about two months now, and I still have around a third of the bottle left. I like to really saturate my face in it every morning/night, so I do use quite a lot compared to most people!

Overall, I really get on with this toner and for the price and the great qualities I have mentioned I would definitely re-purchase! Although I do think the company need to be a little bit more specific about what AHAs the product contains and in what amounts, but then again I think that's me being completely pedantic!

1 comment:

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