Wednesday 21 December 2011

Soap & Glory's 'Scrub Your Nose In It'.

I actually bought this for my sister, and I've kinda stolen it back. Well, she can't use it anymore 'cause she's not medication that means she's not allowed to use any method of exfoliation.
So I thought I'd test it out...

It smells of mint (? my sense of smell is appalling. It probably actually smells of strawberries...I joke!) and it smells divine. There are a few scary looking ingredients on the back of the tube, and I'm not sure whether they contribute to the smell, but I can't complain as it doesn't claim to have no artificial fragrances or preservatives or whathaveyou.
It is the smell that really wakes you up in the morning and fills the bathroom with lovely scents, which is why I normally use it during my AM shower. I REALLY need waking up during the early hours, especially since the weather is so dark and rank now it's Winter!

So what you do is apply it onto your T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and massage it into your skin, extending it out to the other areas of your face. I usually do this for ages because I think exfoliation is the key to great skin, and want to make sure the nasty dead stuff is all off, I could be standing there for about 5 minutes massaging and massaging. I do it gently mind, so I'm not actually damaging my skin. I wouldn't want that! But again, as mentioned before, I'm a skin-care freak, so I'd say you normal people would be fine with 1-2 minutes. You can also leave it on for an extra 3 minutes 'for an oil-absorbing, brightening, pore cleaning mask!'. When I normally use this product I just leave it at the exfoliation and wash it off, but it really does work at absorbing the excess oil from your skin. Afterwards your skin looks oil-free (duh) and quite matte, which really impressed me!

I would say don't use this if your skin is quite irritated, because it can sting. It's actually quite painful, the pain where you have to run around the bathroom fanning your face with your hands. But this is during one of my bad skin phases (horrid dry flaky irritated redness) so perhaps that was my own fault and no fault of the product.

It isn't a really intense exfoliation product, not like the Dermalogica 'Multivitamin Thermafoliant' (which I've reviewed here, and I'd normally use it as an everyday or every other day sort-of-product. It does do a good job of buffing skin and revealing nice fresh skin, but it's not intense enough for me. I have quite oily skin, and need something to really get into my pores. This product sort of 'scratches the surface' which is fine day-to-day, but not if I'm wanting to really clear out my skin.
I wouldn't repurchase again, but I think it would be suitable for most people. It's not one of those exfoliators which is basically a liquid with about five grains in, it is proper, erm, grainy!

So overall, it's a good product. A gorgeous smell, alright-ish texture and lovely kitsch packaging, but I'm afraid it's not industrial enough for me!

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