Monday 10 September 2012

Pamper sesh/Mini-facial.

Once a week I like to treat myself to a little facial, so to speak. No, I don't go out and get it done professionally, I do it by myself on myself, in the comfort of my own room. Perfectamundo.

It is one of the most pampering things you could do and your skin will love you for it, and you don't really need fancy expensive products or equipment. For example, stage 1 is cleansing. Any cleanser would do, depending on your skin type. Stage 2 is a repeat, so essentially a double cleanse, and you could use the same cleanser as before or go for a different one if you fancy. I find that my oily congested skin appreciates a double cleanse and I find this really effective at leaving skin prepped and primed. If you don't want to double-cleanse or don't feel your skin needs it - don't. I only do it because I definitely need to! Stage 3 is exfoliation. Any exfoliator will do, just make sure that the exfoliating matierial within the product isn't natural - peach kernels or nut shells aren't naturally round and therefore can scratch the skin, which isn't good. Man-made beads or crystals in exfoliating products are better because they can be refined down and rounded so they have a less harsh effect on the skin but are still effective. Step 4 can be carried out over a bowl of water. You don't have to own a steamer! Step 5 can be carried out again with a preferred cleanser. Stage 6 can be carried out with any mask you like - hydrating, chemically exfoliating, cleansing, whatever you want!. For stage 7, use your favourite moisturiser, and hey presto.
Everyone does their own facial differently, but mine is through trial and error, and this method and these products work for me!

I have written out what I normally do once a week facial-wise. Sometimes I skip out a stage if I'm feeling pushed for time, but normally I don't feel like I'm doing my skin justice unless I do the whole caboodle!

1) If I have a full face of makeup (which is rare), I take it all off with a baby wipe first and then I cleanse my face with the Neutrogena 'Visibly Clear 2 in 1' face wash to remove all the impurities and oil from my skin, leaving skin already feeling fresh and so clean.
2) I cleanse my face again with my Clarisonic and a foaming face wash (I am loving Neutrogena's 'Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Facial Wash'), and then follow with Boots' Botanics 'All Bright Cleansing Toner', just to ensure I have cleaned every last trace of grime from my skin.
3) I follow the double-cleanse with micro-dermabraison courtesy of No7's 'Total Renewal Micro-dermabraision Exfoliator'. This is hands down the best exfoliator I have ever used. I haven't yet found one to beat it (yet). It removes all the dead skin cells, revealing new skin, ensuring all my products are ready to be absorbed well!
4) Then I steam my face with my own steamer - I've had it 6 years and it's still going strong! I add Boot's own 'Glycerin and Rosewater' or tea tree to the water. It really depends how my skin is feeling, if it's a wee bit sensitive I opt for the rose water, if I have a massively huge breakout I opt for the tea-tree essence just to clear out my congested pores.
5) Then I cleanse with a foaming cleanser, to make sure I have removed all the micro-dermabraison crystals from my skin.
6) I then apply a mask; this could either be the Neutrogena 'Visibly Clear 2 in 1' used as a mask (I love those multi-purpose products I do) or the Elemis 'Papaya Enzyme Peel'. I normally alternate but if skin is feeling congested, I will plump for the Neutrogena mask above the Elemis one, and if skin is looking dull and lifeless, I'll opt for the latter!
7) I then apply Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum, followed by a nice big sticky layer of Eucerin's 'Aquaphor' to ensure my skin is moisturised like hell - and I'm done!

I do think it is important not only for the skin, but also for the mind to completely de-stress and focus on yourself - I don't have much 'me-time' at the moment so this is the one selfish thing I revel in.

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