Saturday 18 February 2012

Me and my acne; Week 12 update.

Well, my doctor has RUINED this little weekly feature.
I went to see him yesterday because my prescription had run out and I wanted to continue with the Retin-A, but wasn't so bothered about the antibiotics. I do have spots, and they do bother me, but I was of the mindset that I will deal with them.
I told him this, and then he basically said that there were no long term side effects from being on the medication, and because I was unhappy with my skin without being on the antibiotics, so he renewed both my antibiotics (Lymecycline) and Retin-A for another year. This really pleased me, because I don't like having bad skin. It makes me feel dirty, gross and so unattractive.

So, the plan for these little weekly posts changes a bit. It isn't going to be feature analysing my skin without the antibiotics anymore, from now on it will be a feature on how my skin improves with the antibiotics! I will carry on doing them along with the photo of my fat little face, so you can hopefully see an improvement in my skin as I continue taking the medication.

Here is my skin as it is at the minute, as you can see it's a bit spotty;
(Please excuse my panda eyes, photo fail)

Regarding a skincare routine as of right now, I'm just using my Clarisonic and my Korres soaps to cleanse the skin every morning and night, and if it's the morning, I follow it using Kiehl's' 'UV Protect' SPF 50 (review to come soon!), and in the evening I either use Retin-A alone, Aquaphor alone, or combine the Nuxe Oil I recieved in the February Feel Unique box followed by my Darphin cream.

But hopefully carrying on these posts whilst taking my medication for the next year should hopefully illustrate how clear my skin has been in the past and how much it improves with a little medical help!
It may encourage some people to seek help for acne. I know mine isn't horrific, but it really affects me. And if you're sitting there thinking 'mine is way worse, what is she moaning about' arrange an appointment to see your doctor! There are lots of things that can be done for acne these days, so it's worth just talking to your doctor about it!

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